School leavers

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Young people leaving school are presented with lots of opportunities and decisions to make about their future career path, training and employment. It can be a daunting time for young people and their families but support and advice is available.


During Years 10 and 11, schools will be engaging with pupils about their options and what their next steps might be. This includes Careers Advisors visiting schools and pupils having opportunities to visit career and recruitment events.

The council has also invested in Unifrog – an online impartial platform that helps students search courses and consider their next steps after school. Unifrog helps students to compare every course and apprenticeship, and then apply successfully. Please speak to your school to access Unifrog.

If you are a parent or carer and want to know more about the support available in your child’s school, contact the school directly.

Knowsley advice and guidance

If you are in Year 11 or not in education, employment or training (NEET) and need help with making your next step into employment, training or education, Knowsley Advice and Guidance can help.

To find out more visit the council website where you can get in touch with the team and you will be allocated a dedicated engagement worker to help you make the next step.

Other advice and guidance

There is a wide range of advice, guidance on 16+ opportunities available online via the National Careers Service.

There is also a wide range of advice, guidance on 18+ opportunities also available online.