Public health

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Public Health services are different to the health services provided by the NHS and GPs in that they are primarily concerned with supporting people to maintain good health throughout their lives. Public Health services are delivered by the Council and aim to improve the health and wellbeing of Knowsley residents by preventing health issues from arising in the first place.

Knowsley’s Public Health team does this by making sure that health and wellbeing are at the heart of everything the Council does. It also works closely with partners across the borough to influence them to do the same. This includes working in partnership with local organisations, the community and voluntary sector and businesses too.

The team also works with local GPs, dentists and hospitals to help them identify, prioritise, and address health needs. This includes promoting self-care, the uptake of vital preventative services, positive lifestyles and early intervention and prevention.

This service recognises that maintaining good health can make considerable positive differences to people throughout the course of their life.

Start WellFamilies are encouraged to make healthy choices for themselves and their baby before conception, and through pregnancy and birth.

Grow well – Children and young people are encouraged to achieve well in school, build resilience to help them cope with life’s challenges and make a positive healthy journey into adulthood.

Live well – A good work-life balance is key to our personal health and wellbeing. Local people are supported into good quality jobs and encouraged to make positive lifestyle choices that reduce the risks to their health such as alcohol and drugs use, smoking, obesity, and sexual health issues.

Age well – With the right choices and support, more people will live healthier lives and stay independent for longer. People with long term illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease have the best possible quality of life and are able to make choices about their care. Plans to reduce the effects of infectious diseases, such as flu, are also in place.

Health Protection

The council’s Public Health team works with a wide range of partners including GP practices, pharmacies, NHS England, social care and community groups to help ensure residents are protected from infectious diseases, incidents and outbreaks.

This can include providing training and support to vulnerable settings and groups as well as outbreak management to stop the spread of disease.  A good example of this would be the response and leadership given to the COVID 19 pandemic but also includes response to flu, norovirus and other infections.


The Council supports the NHS to promote the uptake of vaccines, which are the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases.

Getting vaccinated is the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself and your children against ill health.

  • Get your annual winter flu jab, your GP practice will invite you if you are eligible
  • Keep up to date with childhood immunisations, speak to your GP practice if you think your child may have missed one
  • Check eligibility and book a COVID-19 vaccine or booster at or by calling 119

Other support and initiatives

Knowsley’s Public Health team work on a wide range of projects to improve the health and wellbeing of residents. This includes commissioning a range of organisations to provide preventative and support services for residents to tap into. Find out more about what’s on offer here. They also support the NHS to promote and encourage take up of screening programmes and provide a range of mental health resources and support.