Help us to help you

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We can all play a part in reducing the pressure on GPs and other health services.

  • Keeping yourself as healthy and fit as possible means you are less likely to need support from the NHS and others. There are lots of ideas and advice available
  • Take charge and understand your own health – attend health checks, screening, immunisations. You can access your GP health record on the NHS app
  • We know that when people do have health concerns they want to be able to get help and support quickly. Often people go directly to their GP for this but there are other options to consider first including visiting your local pharmacy, using NHS 111 or the NHS app
  • If you are unable to attend a GP or health appointment, please let the surgery/clinic or hospital know as soon as possible. Every year thousands of missed appointments mean missed opportunities for people to be seen by a health professional
  • If you are on medication from your GP, please ensure you follow the advice on the label and take your medication as instructed

Keep up to date with vaccinations

Getting vaccinated is the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself and your children against ill health.

  • Get your annual winter flu jab, your GP practice will invite you if you are eligible
  • Keep up to date with childhood immunisations, speak to your GP practice if you think your child may have missed one
  • Check eligibility and book a COVID-19 vaccine or booster at or by calling 119

Keep your medicine cabinet stocked

Don’t forget there are lots of common illnesses that you can manage yourself at home. A well-stocked medicine cabinet should include:

  • Paracetamol, ibuprofen
  • Antihistamines
  • Anti-diarrhoea medicine
  • Oral rehydration salts
  • Indigestion treatment
  • First aid kit including plasters, bandages and a thermometer