Where to go for advice

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Local money advice and support

You can call the council’s dedicated Financial Advice line on 0151 443 3300 to find out more about free sources of money and debt advice, and credit unions.

Residents can contact Citizens Advice Knowsley to get help and advice. You can email [email protected] or call 0808 278 7839.

Big Help Money Advice can provide advice and support on how to handle all types of debt and money matters.

Support for residents of local housing associations

Livv tenants can contact 0151 290 7000 and ask for an advisory team referral. This will include support to maximise your income.

ForHousing tenants can contact 0300 123 5522 or TESS [email protected].

Support for local businesses

Businesses can contact Knowsley Chamber and the Knowsley Business Growth Team for information and advice on 0151 477 4000 or visit www.investknowsley.co.uk

National money advice and support

Online money advice is available through a number of national organisations. Advice is confidential and free.

Turn2us – www.turn2us.org.uk
Information and advice on benefits, grants and managing your money, with an online benefits calculator to work out what you could claim. Visit their website or, if you don’t have access to the internet call 0808 802 2000.

Money Advice Service – www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk
Clear and unbiased advice to help you manage your money. Visit their website or call 0800 138 7777 to speak with a trained advisor.

Entitled to – www.entitledto.co.uk
Information and advice on benefits and grants including an online calculator to find benefits you may be entitled to.

Step Change – www.stepchange.org
Advice and support on managing debt including bankruptcy and Debt Relief Orders. Has an online benefits calculator. Go online or call 0800 138 1111.

National Debtline – https://nationaldebtline.org/
Advice on dealing with debt problems. Visit their website or call 0808 808 4000 for more information.

Debt Support Trust – www.debtsupporttrust.org.uk
Online and telephone debt advice. Use their ‘debt analyser’ tool to work out where your money goes and which solution might be best.

Financial literacy

Knowsley FACE (Family and Community Education) service offer a course on managing your money. The course can help you to:

  • Gain the knowledge and skills required to manage personal money and to anticipate future needs and wants;
  • Understand the importance of shopping around when buying financial products and services;
  • Recognise the need to plan finances and review the plans regularly;
  • Identify differences between short, medium and long-term planning and saving; and
  • Learn how you can use knowledge gained in your own personal financial circumstances.

To find out more visit www.knowsleyface.co.uk

Knowsley FACE also offer functional maths courses to help you improve your skills to deal with everyday maths in your life as well as enabling you to get a really useful qualification – it could help you complete an apprenticeship course, or enhance your CV.

Find out more about these courses.