Accessing support from Adult Social Care

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Social care is different from the health care that is provided by the NHS. Although it can include medical help, social care offers more practical support to enable people to live independently, with access to services which best meet their needs.

These services can be provided in people’s homes, care homes or elsewhere in the community.

In Knowsley, social care and support is provided and organised by the Council with the support of private companies who are commissioned to deliver some services on the Council’s behalf.

Depending on your financial circumstances, you may have to pay for your care and support – which may change over time as your needs change.

Your needs, eligibility and wishes will all be taken into consideration and discussed with you as part of a thorough process which is in place to help you get the help and support you need.

At all times, the Council will seek to work with you and support you to meet your needs in a way that maximises your independence and supports you to remain at home for as long as possible.  This will include utilising the information, advice and guidance on offer, exploring assistive technology first, and identifying ways to meet your needs in your local community.

Here’s what to expect when accessing social care services:

1. Referral

You can refer yourself to Knowsley’s adult social services by emailing [email protected] or by calling 0151 443 2600.

Alternatively, you may be referred to Adult Social Care by a health or care professional, family member or friends.

2. Assessment

If it appears you may need care and support, an initial assessment of your needs will be carried out. This will consider your current circumstances and explore what you, your family, friends and community can offer to support.

3. Eligibility

The Council will review your circumstances and decide if your needs meet the eligibility criteria as outlined in the Care and Support (eligibility) regulations 2014.

4. Care and Support Planning

If you have eligible needs for care and support, the Council will work with you to determine the best ways to meet those needs. We will not tell you what support you should have, but we will work with you to consider the support options that are available to you, and explore options for arranging support for yourself using a Direct Payment.  To find out more about Direct Payments you can contact Knowsley Disability Concern on 0151 480 8873.  Whilst the Council will assume that you have capacity to make decisions for yourself, if this is in doubt, a Mental Capacity Assessment will be undertaken, and if required a Best Interests decision will be made. (there’s an extra space here) This will involve you, your family (there’s an extra space here), friends, advocates and relevant professionals.

5. Financial Assessment

The Council will carry out a financial assessment to understand who will pay for your care and support.

Depending upon your financial circumstances you may be required to contribute or pay in full to cover these costs. Further information about paying for care can be found on the Council’s website.

If you are eligible for funding from social care and / or health, you may be entitled to a personal budget and a direct payment to yourself or a nominated person on your behalf. You can find out more online.

Remember – some services are free for everybody and not means-tested. You can find out more about this support online.

6. Meeting your needs

If your needs meet the eligibility criteria for care and support, then the Council will provide you with a package of services to best meet your needs.

Depending on your circumstances you may be required to pay for some or all of these services.

7. Annual Review

Every year, a review will take place to reassess your needs and ensure you are still receiving the right type of support and services.

If your circumstances change, you can request a review at any point.

Find out more about the help and support Adult Social Care can provide to you