Affordable homes

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From speaking to residents, we know that there can be  concerns about the availability of affordable homes – to rent and buy – in Knowsley.

We know that demand is very high and despite more than 1,500 affordable properties being built in the Borough over the last ten years – people can sometimes struggle to find a home to fit their exact needs and budget. There can be many reasons for this and everyone’s circumstances will be different.

There are approximately 18,600 affordable homes across Knowsley (as of 2022), which represents around 27% of all residential properties and includes social rented, affordable rent, and low-cost home ownership homes. The average affordable home rent in 2022 was £86.15 per week compared with £94.31 across England.

The average price to purchase a home in Knowsley is much lower compared to other areas at £167,000 in 2022 compared with £210,000 across the North West and £303,000 in England.

The Council is continuing to work closely with Registered Provider partners on further affordable housing delivery options. We are already seeing more affordable home ownership options coming through Registered Provider programmes and this will continue.  This helps to balance local housing markets and brings significant investment into the borough through the Registered Providers themselves and Homes England funding.