
Age UK Mid Mersey working in partnership with several Knowsley organisations.

Age UK Mid Mersey, working in partnership with Knowsley Pensioner Advocacy & Information Service (KPAIS), Knowsley Council (Adult Social Care), Knowsley Healthwatch, Knowsley Citizens Advice Bureau, Knowsley Centre for Independent Living (Visually Impaired Team), Knowsley IKAN (Falls and Repair Team).

An Information and Advice Officer provided information and advice sessions around entitlements including attendance allowance, disability living allowance, sever disability premiums, savings pension credit, carer premiums, warm homes discount and council tax rebates. In addition, a Personal Independence Worker worked with residents to support them to live independently. Support included sorting out paperwork, finding out about local social activities, staying with dementia suffers whilst their carer visited the shop, along with accompanying clients on public transport to ensure they arrived at their destination safely.

benefit sessions completed
residents contacted by the Personal Independence Worker

In total, 169 benefit sessions were completed and 112 residents contacted by the Personal Independence Worker. Outcomes include improved wellbeing, reduced loneliness with many residents attending community clubs and accessing befriending services, referrals to support services (such as support for carers).


01744 752644


Roby Community Hub Enquiries

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